Essential Password Best Practices That Your Employees Should Know

woman typing password into laptop

So, you’ve invested in state-of-the-art technology to protect your business, but what about the most basic form of security? Passwords. Believe it or not, more than 80% of security breaches are related to weak password security. Without strong passwords, your business is an easy target for hackers and cyber criminals.

Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to make sure that your employees’ passwords are secure and up-to-date. We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of password best practices, so you can ensure that your business’s security is as strong as possible.

Great Security Begins With Password Security

Strong passwords form the first line of defense in data security—with cyber threats on the rise, a weak password is akin to leaving your front door wide open for thieves! By choosing strong, complex passwords, you make it exponentially more challenging for cyber criminals to infiltrate your systems.

Not only does this protect sensitive data, but it also helps maintain your business’s reputation and trust among customers. After all, security is not just about protecting assets—it’s about safeguarding your brand’s integrity.

Poor Password Security Leaves Your Business Vulnerable

If your business is plagued with poor password security, you’ll need to take action ASAP—otherwise, your business will be left vulnerable to the following:

  • Data Breaches: Weak passwords can lead to unauthorized access and data breaches, which can expose sensitive information, such as customer data and financial documents, to cyber criminals.
  • Financial Loss: The aftermath of a data breach often includes hefty fines and remediation costs. Additionally, businesses may face lawsuits from affected parties, leading to even more financial burdens.
  • Operational Disruptions: A security breach can cause severe disruptions to your business operations. It not only requires time and resources to resolve but can also lead to downtime, impacting productivity and revenue.

If this all sounds like a lot, don’t fret—implementing strong password security measures isn’t as hard as it might seem.

Password Best Practices: Avoiding Common Mistakes

When creating a password, there are several password best practices to keep in mind. The following practices will help ensure that your passwords remain secure:

  • Length: Make sure all passwords are at least 12 characters long—the longer the better!
  • Complexity: Include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Adding this extra layer of complexity makes it harder to guess a password.
  • Variety: For even more protection, create different passwords for each account. That way, if one of your passwords is compromised, the others will remain secure.
  • Unpredictability: Don’t use obvious words or phrases in your passwords—including names and dates—as these can be easily guessed by cyber criminals.
  • Updated: Make sure to update passwords regularly, and consider using a password manager to securely store all login information.

Shockingly, in the aftermath of a data breach, only 45% of people change their passwords. Considering that passwords are widely reported as the primary way in which cyber criminals infiltrate systems, this is a major mistake—one that can put you and your business at risk.

Reinforce Your Security Beyond Passwords

While creating strong passwords is important for security, it’s only one piece of the puzzle. To further protect your business from cyber threats, you’ll need to go beyond passwords and invest in additional security measures, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), mobile device management (MDM), and employee training.

Still feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. Consider investing in a password manager to help you stay organized and securely store login information. 

Protect Your Business With RedNight Consulting

With the right combination of strong passwords and additional security measures, you can ensure that your business remains secure against potential threats. Contact our team of experts at RedNight Consulting to see how we can help you implement password best practices and protect your business from constantly evolving cyber threats.