3 Ways the Cloud Gives You a Competitive Advantage

digital cloud computing

We read about the cloud everywhere these days. Companies far and wide are utilizing internet-driven business applications alongside remote storage and more to manage their operations. In fact, by 2020, cloud services will become the default choice for almost all businesses. While cloud computing offers some really valuable tools to help your staff collaborate in new and improved ways and helps your productivity soar, what are the competitive advantages of a cloud migration?

We’ve boiled down the top competitive advantages into three essential components: innovation, scalability and strategic budgeting. Through these cloud-based advantages, you can achieve an incredible, tactical position for your business.

Innovate Like They Can’t

Remember Blockbuster Video? Everything was great in the video-rental universe until Netflix came along, offering web-based DVD rentals by mail, and then exclusively video streaming through your internet connection (the cloud). All the sudden, packing the kids up in the family station wagon and heading down to blue-shirt territory was out of the question. Now, all we have of Blockbuster are pleasant memories of late fees on second-choice movies. (And a pretty funny @LoneBlockbuster Twitter account.)

It isn’t just Netflix, of course, who found huge opportunities to innovate with the cloud. Airbnb has cleverly disrupted the hotel industry with an expansive cloud-based platform for home-sharing. Uber did something similar to the taxi industry.

Whatever industry you’re in, by thinking tactically, you can find opportunities in the cloud to help you improve your standing in the marketplace.

Read our blog: 5 SaaS Technologies You Should Be Using

Grow with Infinite Scalability

One of the major benefits of the cloud is easy, unending scalability. When you migrate to, say, Amazon Web Services, you can grow as needed, increasing server space and storage on a per-user basis. This means you’re never held back by growth, and never hit with the unexpected costs of additional resources to support that growth.

When you have on-premise servers, often times you’re guessing as to what added resources you will need to acquire and implement to support your growth objectives. This can hit you negatively in a few ways. One, you’re buying hardware (CAPEX), so you can easily over- or underestimate how much storage you will need. When you underestimate, you find yourself in a position of buying even more hardware, a hard hit on your budget (particularly tough when your business is young). Overestimating means you’re paying for space you don’t need, or won’t use right away.

With the cloud, you get what you need, when you need it and with near infinite scalability.

Spend Less, Get More

Cash flow problems are the death of small businesses. The reality is that 82% of businesses fail because of cash flow problems. When bootstrapping your business or trying to think strategically about your budget, you must pay very careful attention to your capital expenses. Most businesses spend their first years hemorrhaging money.

Cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) is an operating expense (OPEX). This switch to OPEX offers huge competitive advantages over those businesses who aren’t making use of available cloud services. With a little strategic planning, the cloud can elevate your operations and strengthen your road to business success.

Cloud Computing with RedNight

As certified Amazon Web Services specialists, your RedNight team can help steer your cloud computing migration to smooth business waters. Contact us today to talk about your business’s cloud computing needs.

Learn more about migrating to Amazon Web Services.